The specialist in dermatology, plastic surgery, gynaecology and urology. Dermatologist, Plastic Surgeon, Gynaecologist and Urologist in Maastricht.

Curvature of the penis

The curvature of the penis (induratio penis plastica, M. Peyronie) is a genetic predisposition, that does not occur in the east, consisting of the construction of fibrous/collagen tissue in the Tunica Albuginea. The resulting hard plaque the kink in the penis shaft and pain, which causes a limited amount in sexual intercourse and erections. It has social, functional, psychogenic aspects that can lead to insecurities. What is important is that you discuss it with your partner.


The treatment options will be discussed during a consultation with the urologist.

Reimbursement and prices

Your visit to Parkway Clinic Sommer is regularly reimbursed in the same way as a visit to the hospital. For this, check our fees page or if you have any questions, take contact with us.